Highly Scalable FFT on GPUs


Extended Tarang, a parallel computational fluid dynamics simulator, to enable GPU-based FFTs.

Duration: February 2021 to August 2021

Mentor: Prof. Mahendra Verma, Physics Dept. IIT Kanpur


  • Extended Tarang, a parallel computational fluid dynamics simulator, to enable GPU-based FFTs.
  • Developed MPI and CuFFT-XT-based variable precision 1D and 3D scalable forward and inverse FFTs.
  • Achieved upto 1650× single-node speed-up over FFTW on DGX-A100 and linear strong and weak scaling.
  • Compared DGX-A100’s performance in PARAM Siddhi AI with EPCC Cirrus cluster with 6 V100 GPUs per node.
Anish Saxena
Computer Science PhD Student

Computer Architecture, Systems, and Security


Discussed CUDA programmign concepts as part of guest lecture in course on High Performance Computing